Tuesday, 19 October 2010


whilst scrolling through the internet researching and planning my hogwarts, i found this picture by another budding miniaturist. id just given up on my ideas of doing the actual hogwarts castle and just doing shops, hagrids hut and maybe the great hall, when i came across this. i think it looks fab, and although mine will be no where as good and as imaginable as this, it has given me hope that it can be done. :)

i was thinking that perhaps the great hall can be one of the rooms coming off the hallway and then i could make the towers for the houses common room :)


  1. Wow! What an amazing job of the castle they have done there! I'm sure yours will be just as good. I love Harry Potter so am looking forward to seeing how this develops :)

  2. im only at the planning stage at the minute as ive just moved back home, so wont be building it for ages but ive done some drawings today, of what i hope it to sort of look like so will upload them shortley. ive just been researching, and when what looked like i wasnt getting anywhere this propped up. its amazing.
